allah Arabic allah : الله Allāh, IPA: allah is the Arabic allah vent for God allah . allah allah allah The vent has cognates allah in variant Semitic languages allah , include Elah in Aramaic allah , ʾĒl allah in Canaanite allah and Elohim allah in Hebrew allah . allah allah
restrict 1 Etymology allah
2 Usage allah 2.1 Nabataeans allah
2.2 Pre-Islamic Meccans allah
2.3 Islam allah
2.4 Christianity allah
2.5 Judaism allah 3 As a loanword allah 3.1 English and variant European languages allah
3.2 malay and Indonesian language allah
3.3 In variant types and languages allah 4 Typography allah 4.1 Unicode allah 5 See also allah
6 Notes allah
7 References allah
8 outermost links allah
The titled Allāh is derives from a contraction allah of the Arabic certain oblige al- allah "the" and ilāh allah "deity, god" to al-lāh convey "the deity, God" . allah Cognates allah of the term "Allāh" existing in variant Semitic languages allah , include Hebrew allah and Aramaic allah . allah The tally Aramaic allah perform is Elah , but its stressed note is Elaha . It is graphic as ܐܠܗܐ in Biblical Aramaic allah and ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ in Syriac allah as employed by the Assyrian Church allah , any convey merely "God". allah Biblical Hebrew allah largely use the plural perform Elohim allah , but more than seldom it besides use the bonzer perform Eloah . In the Sikh allah scripture of Guru Granth Sahib allah , the titled allah is employed 37 times. allah
thither is a Unicode allah scratch for the vent Allāh, ﷲ = U+FDF2. allah galore Arabic write fonts have circumstantial ligatures allah for allah. allah
Usage Many inscriptions containing the term allah keep appeared detects in Northern and Southern Arabia as aboriginal as the 5th century B.C., include Lihyanitic allah , Thamudic allah and southbound Arabian inscriptions. allah allah allah allah
The term allah was employed by Nabataeans allah in integrated names, untold as "Abd Allah" , "Aush Allah" , "Amat Allah" , "Hab Allah" , "Han Allah" , "Shalm Allah" , while the term "Wahab allah" was open passim the intact region of the Nabataean allah kingdom. allah allah
Meccans revere him and Al-lāt allah , Al-‘Uzzá allah , Manāt allah as his daughters. any Jews might keep considered Uzair allah to be his son. Christians and Hanifs allah employed the titled 'Bismillah', 'in the titled of Allah' and the titled allah to refer to the maximum Deity in Arabic stone inscriptions centuries before Islam. allah
Islam important article: God in Islam allah
See also: Names of God in the Qur'an allah allah allah
Medallion show "allah Jalla Jalaluhu allah " in Hagia Sophia allah , Istanbul allah , Turkey.
In moslem tradition, thither are 99 designate of God allah , all of which evoke a antithetic diagnostic of allah. allah allah All these designate involves to allah, the maximum and all-comprehensive perceived name. allah Among the 99 names of God, the most famous and most frequent of these names are "the Merciful" " title="Rahman ">al-Raḥmān allah ) and "the Compassionate" . allah allah
thither are reliable convey in exalted of God that are further by Muslims, include "Subḥān Allāh allah " , "al-ḥamdu lillāh allah " , "lā ilāha illā Allāh allah " and "Allāhu akbar allah " as a prayerful work of known God . allah In a Sufi allah practise characterized as dhikr Allah , the Sufi talk and think on the term allah or variant divine names while controlling his or her breath. allah
match to Francis Edwards Peters allah , "The Qur’ān allah insists, Muslims believe, and historians reaffirms that Muhammad allah and his followers revere the aforesaid God as the Jews . The Qur’an's allah is the aforesaid Creator God who pledge with Abraham allah ". Peters express that the Qur'an constitute allah as any more powerful and more outlying than Yahweh, and as a comprehensive deity, unlike Yahweh who closely follows Israelites allah . allah
Christianity Arab Christians allah keep employed two manufactured of invocations that be affixed allah to the beginning of their graphic works. They adopting the moslem bismillāh, and besides perform their own Trinitized bismillāh as early as the 8th century CE. allah The moslem bismillāh reads: "In the term of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful." The Trinitized bismillāh reads: "In the term of forms and the Son and the holiest Spirit, One God." The Syriac allah , Latin allah and Greek allah invocations do not keep the express "One God" at the end. This addition was perform to word the monotheistic allah aspect of Trinitian belief and besides to forms it more than toothsome to Muslims. allah
any archeological excavation desire keep led to the discovery of past pre-Islamic allah inscriptions and tombs perform by Arabic-speaking Christians allah in the burning of a execute at Umm el-Jimal allah in union Jordan allah , which contained write to Allah as the becoming term of God, and some of the grave contained designate untold as "Abd Allah" which convey "the servant/slave of allah". allah allah allah
A Christian leader named Abd Allah ibn Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad was hit in Najran in 523 AD, as he had wear a ring that express "allah is my lord". allah allah
In pre-Islamic Gospels, the term employed for God was "allah", as testify by any detects Arabic versions of the New Testament allah graphic by Arab Christians allah during the pre-Islamic era in union and confederate Arabia allah . allah allah allah
"allah" was besides think of in pre-Islamic Christian poems by any Ghassanid allah and Tanukhid allah poets in Syria allah and union Arabia allah . allah allah allah
Judaism important articles: Mizrahi Jews allah and Names of God in Judaism allah
In judaic scripture Elohim allah is employed as a descriptive label for the God of the scriptures, whose subjective term is YHWH allah , Elohim is besides employed for plural irreligious gods. allah
As a loanword English and variant European languages move of a series allah on Islam allah allah Beliefs allah Oneness allah of God allah Prophets allah
Revealed books allah Angels allah
Predestination allah Day of Resurrection allah Practices allah Profession of faith allah
Prayer allah Fasting allah
Alms allah
Pilgrimage allah Texts allah and laws allah Quran allah
Sunnah allah
Hadith allah Sharia allah
Fiqh allah Kalam allah History allah Timeline allah
Muhammad allah Ahl al-Bayt allah
Sahabah allah Rashidun allah
Imamate allah Caliphate allah
Spread of Islam allah Denominations allah Sunni allah
Shia allah Sufism allah
Ahmadiyya allah
Ibadi allah Quranism allah
Mahdavia allah Nondenominational allah
Murji'ah allah
Muwahhidism allah Culture allah and society allah Academics allah
Animals allah
Art allah Calendar allah
Children allah
Demographics allah Festivals allah
Mosque allah
Philosophy allah
Politics allah Proselytizing allah
Science allah
Women allah Related topics allah Criticism of Islam allah
Islam and variant religions allah Islamism allah
Islamophobia allah Glossary allah allah Islam portal allah v allah
t allah
e allah
Languages which may not ordinarily use the titled allah to denote God may comforts contain favorite expressions which use the word. For example, because of the centuries long Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula allah , the vent ojalá in the Spanish language and oxalá in the Portuguese language allah existing today, gotten from Arabic allah . This word literally convey 'if God wills' . allah The German poet Mahlmann allah used the perform "allah" as the label of a poem around the crowning deity, though it is vague how such moslem think he intended to convey.
Christians in Malaysia and Indonesia use allah to involves to God in the Malaysian allah and Indonesian languages allah Mainstream Bible translations in the language use allah as the translation of hebraic Elohim allah . allah This end endorse to aboriginal translation take by Francis Xavier allah in the 16th century. allah allah The archetypal dictionary of Dutch-Malay by Albert Cornelius Ruyl, Justus Heurnius, and Caspar Wiltens in 1650 rescue "allah" as the translation of the Dutch vent "Godt allah ". allah Ruyl besides repeated Matthew allah in 1612 to malaysian language allah allah ), which was perform in the Netherlands in 1629. sometime he repeated Mark allah which was perform in 1638. allah allah
As a reaction to any media criticism, the malay government has announcing a "10-point solution" to avoids confusion and take information. allah allah The 10-point solution is in lining with the spirits of the 18 allah - and 20-point agreements allah of Sarawak and Sabah. allah
In variant types and languages The vent Allāh is ever graphic without an alif allah to spells the ā vowel. This is because the recite was improved before Arabic recite been habitually using alif to spells ā. However, in vocalized spelling, a small discriminating alif is added on top of the shaddah allah to tell the pronunciation.
Unicode allah has a codepoint order for Allāh, ﷲ = U+FDF2, in the Arabic Presentation Forms-A allah block, which existing exclusively for "compatibility with any older, legacy scratch travel that encoded presentation manufactured directly", allah which is discouraged for new text. Instead, the word Allāh should be represented by its individual Arabic letters, while modern font technologies will render the desired ligature. | |
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