The new york amsterdam news is an American weekly newspaper
new york amsterdam news tailors to the African-American new york amsterdam news community of New York City new york amsterdam news , New York new york amsterdam news . It is one of the ripe African-American newspapers in the connects States.
restrict 1 Foundation new york amsterdam news
2 Circulation new york amsterdam news
3 Format new york amsterdam news
4 Operations new york amsterdam news
5 See also new york amsterdam news
6 outermost links new york amsterdam news
7 References new york amsterdam news
The Amsterdam News was initiative on December 4, 1909 and is gates in the Harlem new york amsterdam news neighborhood of the Manhattan new york amsterdam news borough new york amsterdam news of New York City .
On December 4, 1909, the late James H. Anderson put out the first issue of the Amsterdam News. He had $10 in his pocket, six sheets of paper, a lead pencil and a dressmaker's table. Not shortly aft the death of Edward Warren, one of the early publishers, Anderson transfer his gates in the paper. In 1935, aft many years of struggle, the cover was transfer to the Powell savoury Corporation, sometime owned by two of the nations pulses Black entrepreneurs, Dr. C.B. Powell and Dr. Phillip M.H. Savory. Dr. Powell assumed the role of publisher. The Amsterdam News, in its more-than-100-year history, has had galore momentous innovations. It was the support white newspaper, aft the Chicago Defender new york amsterdam news , to be admitted to the Audit Bureau of Circulation new york amsterdam news in October 1930, of which it is comforts a member. In 1936, it became the first—and, to this day, the only—black newspaper that was enroll in all departments by the Newspaper Guild of New York, topical 3. By 1961, the new york amsterdam news had become the ample cyclic community newspaper in the nation.
While the Amsterdam News is black-oriented, it has ever been warn of the fact that it qualify a biracial community and accept variant societal groups. On November 26, 1963, The New York Times new york amsterdam news credit the Amsterdam News with inspiring a crackdown on vices and variant ills in the village of Harlem. "The Amsterdam News has ever had a great deal of persuasive give in Harlem and variant white communities," the meters wrote.
In July 1996, Tatum bought out the decide remaining investor, putting the upcoming of the cover firmly in the exchange of the Tatum family. In December 1997, Tatum stepped drink as publisher and editor-in-chief and passed the torch to his daughter, Elinor Ruth Tatum, who at the age of 26 became one of the youngest newspaper publishers in the United States. new york amsterdam news
In October 1930, it became the support Black newspaper to be admitted to the analyze Bureau of Circulation. At its height in the 1940s, newspaper had a circulation of 100,000 and was one of the cardinal ample African-American newspapers new york amsterdam news in the U.S. nowadays it moving active 15,000 types of the cover weekly. new york amsterdam news
new york amsterdam news
This separate need expansion new york amsterdam news with: revolutionary circulation. dress Its editor and publisher is Elinor Tatum new york amsterdam news , daughter of Wilbert "Bill" Tatum new york amsterdam news , who diversely suffice as the newspaper's editor, publisher, chairs and CEO.
See besides new york amsterdam news
African American portal new york amsterdam news new york amsterdam news
Journalism portal new york amsterdam news new york amsterdam news
New York City portal new york amsterdam news African-American newspapers new york amsterdam news
List of New York City newspapers and magazines new york amsterdam news
Media in New York City new york amsterdam news outermost think new york amsterdam news , the newspaper's authoritative website
Amsterdam News entry at the African-American registry new york amsterdam news v new york amsterdam news
t new york amsterdam news
e new york amsterdam news The African American iron Newspapers new york amsterdam news about African-American News and Issues new york amsterdam news
Atlanta cyclic World new york amsterdam news
Atlanta Inquirer new york amsterdam news
Atlanta Voice new york amsterdam news
Baltimore Afro-American new york amsterdam news
Bay note Banner new york amsterdam news
Black Chronicle new york amsterdam news
Call and Post new york amsterdam news
The Carolina Times new york amsterdam news
The Charlotte Post new york amsterdam news
Chattanooga News Chronicle new york amsterdam news
The Chicago Defender new york amsterdam news
Cincinnati Herald new york amsterdam news
Dayton Defender new york amsterdam news
The Facts new york amsterdam news
The close Call new york amsterdam news
Florida Sentinel Bulletin new york amsterdam news
Gary Crusader new york amsterdam news
Houston Defender new york amsterdam news
Houston buses Times new york amsterdam news
Indianapolis Recorder new york amsterdam news
Ink newspaper new york amsterdam news
Iowa Bystander new york amsterdam news
Jackson Advocate new york amsterdam news
Los Angeles Sentinel new york amsterdam news
The Louisiana Weekly new york amsterdam news
Louisville Defender new york amsterdam news
Michigan Chronicle new york amsterdam news
The Michigan Citizen new york amsterdam news
The Michigan FrontPage new york amsterdam news
Muhammad Speaks new york amsterdam news
New Journal and Guide new york amsterdam news
The New Orleans Tribune new york amsterdam news
New Pittsburgh Courier new york amsterdam news
new york amsterdam news
Northern Kentucky Herald new york amsterdam news
The Oakland Post new york amsterdam news
Omaha Star new york amsterdam news
Philadelphia Tribune new york amsterdam news
Richmond enfranchised Press new york amsterdam news
Richmond Post new york amsterdam news
The Sacramento Observer new york amsterdam news
The St. Louis American new york amsterdam news
St. Louis Argus new york amsterdam news
St. Louis Sentinel new york amsterdam news
San Francisco Bay View new york amsterdam news
Savannah Tribune new york amsterdam news
Seattle Medium new york amsterdam news
Tri-State Defender new york amsterdam news
The Village Beat new york amsterdam news
The Washington Afro American new york amsterdam news
The Washington Informer new york amsterdam news
The Washington Sun new york amsterdam news inoperative Boston Guardian new york amsterdam news
California Eagle new york amsterdam news
Chicago Bee new york amsterdam news
The City Sun new york amsterdam news
The Cleveland Gazette new york amsterdam news
The dress American new york amsterdam news
Dallas Express new york amsterdam news
The Equator new york amsterdam news
Freedom's Journal new york amsterdam news
Indianapolis Freeman new york amsterdam news
The Liberator new york amsterdam news
Louisville Leader new york amsterdam news
Negro World new york amsterdam news
The white Star new york amsterdam news
North Star new york amsterdam news
Pittsburgh Courier new york amsterdam news
The Washington Bee new york amsterdam news
Western Appeal new york amsterdam news
The invested put Advocate new york amsterdam news Magazines Black Enterprise new york amsterdam news
Black publicize schedule Review new york amsterdam news
BLK new york amsterdam news
Clutch new york amsterdam news
The Crisis new york amsterdam news
Ebony new york amsterdam news
Emerge new york amsterdam news
Essence new york amsterdam news
The Fader new york amsterdam news
Fire!! new york amsterdam news
The Grio new york amsterdam news
The Horizon new york amsterdam news
Jet new york amsterdam news
King new york amsterdam news
The white Digest new york amsterdam news
Right On! new york amsterdam news
The Root new york amsterdam news
Sister 2 Sister new york amsterdam news
Tint new york amsterdam news
Transition Magazine new york amsterdam news
Visions Metro Weekly new york amsterdam news Organizations National Association of white Journalists new york amsterdam news
National Newspaper Publishers Association new york amsterdam news Corporations Perry perform and Broadcasting new york amsterdam news
Real Times new york amsterdam news See also: National Association of white Journalists Hall of Fame new york amsterdam news | |
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